Family court for child custody

Failure to Appear in Court for Child Custody Leads to These Penalties

Child custody hearings in Texas can have a long-term impact on everyone involved. The judge will decide where your child lives, how often they visit the other parent, and how much support the non-custodial parent must pay. Judges expect both parents to be in court, and you should want to be involved as well to ensure that your rights are protected. To encourage both parents to participate, a judge can punish a failure to appear in court for child custody

Mom hugging and protecting her children

Texas Violation of Protective Order Facts to Help Your Case

Have you been a victim of domestic violence in Texas? Are you in the midst of a difficult situation where the offender has violated a protective order? We would like to share the steps you can take to protect yourself and enforce the law. Remember that protective orders are legal rulings issued by the court to restrict the offender’s behavior and prevent further abuse or harassment. A Texas violation of protective order rulings carries serious consequences for the other party.

Judge signing a motion to modify court order

Filing a Motion to Modify Court Order: Find Local Support

You already went through the emotional wringer to obtain a court order in your family law matter. You settled into a routine and put the stress of the proceeding behind you. But now a new problem has arisen, and you may need to change the original court order. Going through the modification process in Texas can be stressful, as you have to revisit the original situation and add a new chapter of non-compliance by the other party. That’s why it’s

Family court for child custody

Failure to Appear in Court for Child Custody Leads to These Penalties

Child custody hearings in Texas can have a long-term impact on everyone involved. The judge will decide where your child lives, how often they visit the other parent, and how much support the non-custodial parent must pay. Judges expect both parents to be in court, and you should want to

Mom hugging and protecting her children

Texas Violation of Protective Order Facts to Help Your Case

Have you been a victim of domestic violence in Texas? Are you in the midst of a difficult situation where the offender has violated a protective order? We would like to share the steps you can take to protect yourself and enforce the law. Remember that protective orders are legal

Judge signing a motion to modify court order

Filing a Motion to Modify Court Order: Find Local Support

You already went through the emotional wringer to obtain a court order in your family law matter. You settled into a routine and put the stress of the proceeding behind you. But now a new problem has arisen, and you may need to change the original court order. Going through